Fine Arts - Band, Chorus and Drama
Bands: Concert Band, Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Satin Knights. Spirit – Sponsors: Nathan Matherne and Truman Rainbird, rm. 460,, Extension - 43226
Jazz - Satin Knights. Intermediate and Advanced. Membership is by audition or director’s approval.
Phantazia - The Phantom Knight’s flag corps (also known as the color guard).
Phantom Knights - The marching band. This band performs in the Fall.
Wind Ensemble - This is Del Norte’s top performing band. Membership is by audition only. Auditions are held at the end of marching season. This band is held to strict instrumentation. Openings are based on instrument needs.
Chorus - Membership is by audition or permission of instructor. Mixed Choir - The beginning level choir for grades 9 - 12. Concert Choir - The advanced mixed choir for all grades. Sponsor : Jonathan Davidson, room 111,
Thespian Troupe #2776 - Membership is open to interested students that meet the qualifications and who are invited and inducted into membership. The troupe further educates, explores and participates in the theatre. Sponsor: Jonathan Hagmaier, PAC,
Guitar Club- Membership is open to anyone who wants to continue learning guitar skills.
Orchestra -Membership is by audition or permission of instructor. This is a course for the student who plays violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Sponsor : Liza Gatica, room 105,